Donate to Sutton Community Works' Foodshop at church on Sunday!

Sutton Community Works’ Foodshop are currently seeing over 55 people at each session, and are desperately in need of the below items to continue to serve those in need. As a church, we would love it if those contributing to our food trolley on a Sunday could bring the following items:


  • Toilet Paper

  • Shampoo

  • Conditioner

  • Body Wash

  • Soap

  • Toothpaste

  • Deodorant

Tinned Meats

  • Tuna

  • Canned Hotdogs

  • Canned Meat Stews

  • Canned Fish


Soft Drinks


Please do bring along anything you can to church on Sunday and place your donations in the shopping trolley in the Welcome Area - thank you!