
Reflections on our First Year as Senior Pastors

Celebrating Jon!

On Sunday, we spent some time celebrating Jon’s 10 years of service! If you missed it and would like to see it, you can view it below:

We are grateful for Jon’s dedication and commitment to Sutton Vineyard for the past 10 years! Much of what Jon does is unseen but vital for us as a community to thrive and grow. He serves the staff, team, and church with diligence and love. Jon, we love and appreciate you so much!

If you would like us to pass any messages on to Jon or missed the opportunity to contribute to the gift we gave him, please let us know, and we will facilitate this for you. 

Our First Year

A year ago, we stood before you, filled with a nervous excitement as we became part of Sutton Vineyard to become your Senior Pastors. It feels both like yesterday and a lifetime ago. This past year has been a whirlwind of learning, growth, and deepening connection with this wonderful church family.

Taking on this new position wasn't simply a change in job or role. It was a step into a new chapter, not just for us, but for our entire congregation. Change can be daunting, but we are so incredibly grateful for your trust in us, and your openness and willingness to walk this path together, it has truly inspired us! We have told many people over this year that the success of transition has as much to do with how a church receives the new pastor(s) as it does the incoming leader(s). We have felt so much love and welcome from Sutton Vineyard, and are so grateful for all of you! 

As we have been reflecting, a few key themes emerge from this first year:

Jesus at the Centre

The consistent thread that we see throughout Sutton Vineyard is the heart of every person to keep Jesus at the centre of all that we do. Through prayer, worship, and listening to the Holy Spirit, we together, as a church family, encounter the beautiful intimacy with God that we can experience through our faith in Jesus.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Colossians 1:17

Building Relationships

The core of any thriving church is its community. This year, a priority for us has been building relationships between members, both old and new. We’ve invested in time together, encouraged small groups, met with wonderful people joining the church, and had opportunities for meeting together through our mens and womens ministries. We’ve had picnics, conferences, and BBQs. It's been a joy to see our relationships grow and flourish, from heartfelt conversations over coffee to shared laughter at various social gatherings.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:35

Extending the Table

Every church needs a shared vision of what it aspires to be. As the year has unfolded, we have seen the call of God to ‘extend the table to the least, the lost, the near and far off’. All that we do, to reach people and to grow as people of faith is centred around our purpose and our values. We are so excited to see where God leads us in this over the coming years!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’

Matthew 28:19-20

Embracing Challenges

It will come as no surprise to many of you when I say that ministry isn't without its challenges. We've faced difficult discussions, moments of disagreement, and times of grief. However, we feel privileged and grateful to be entrusted by God to share these moments and lead through them with you. All challenges can be opportunities for growth and they can strengthen us. Sutton Vineyard is a caring and compassionate community.  

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

We all get to play!

We cannot lead the church successfully without you! This year, we've had the privilege of working alongside an incredible team of staff members, volunteers, trustees and leaders. Their dedication, expertise, and sheer passion for our mission are invaluable. Together, we shoulder the responsibilities, celebrate the successes, and tackle the challenges that come with leading a thriving church. We’re so grateful for all of you!

But you [all] will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

This first year has been a beautiful and humbling experience. We've learned more than we ever imagined, not just about leadership but also about the strength and compassion of our congregation. Your unwavering support, your willingness to embrace us, and your active participation in shaping Sutton Vineyard continue to inspire us.

Looking ahead, we’re brimming with excitement for what's to come. Together, we will continue to build relationships, refine our vision, embrace challenges, and collaborate wholeheartedly. There will be bumps in the road, of course, but I have no doubt that with our unwavering faith and commitment to one another, we will continue to grow and thrive as a church family.

As we embark on this new year together, let us remember the words from Philippians 1:6: 

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." 

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this journey with you, we’re so excited for the future together!

Celebration Sunday!

We also wanted to let you know that on Sunday 21st July, we'll come together for a Celebration Sunday to celebrate all we've accomplished this past year as a church family. We'll acknowledge the incredible dedication of our Sunday and midweek volunteers, and express our deepest gratitude to those who give so generously.

The service itself will be filled with joy, thanksgiving and celebration, followed by a delicious Hog Roast feast! Get ready for an afternoon of fellowship, games, laughter, and fun. This is a celebration for everyone – a chance to connect, relax, and enjoy being part of this amazing community. We can't wait to see you there!

All our love,
Libby and Julian x

Reflections | Sabbatical & Looking Back

I remember the feeling well, as a newly qualified teacher each time a term came to a close. The exhaustion, the limited brain space and the longing for a break. I also remember the worry (just over seven years ago) of moving out of a familiar rhythm of primary school, secondary school, university and teaching where life was lived in 6 week chunks. I was worried about the lack of regular holidays and change in lifestyle moving into pastoral ministry. 

Now I, and many pastors too, face a different challenge. Working, worshipping, friendship, family and ministry all rolled into one beautifully adventurous, chaotic, exciting and sometimes taxing life working for our church. 

As I write this, I remember the new 23 year old pastor sitting in the office across the corridor trying to make sense of what a life working in ministry is about. What it should look like. How I should create healthy divides between work and home. 

In reality, the last 7 years have seen magnificent highs and some sorrowful lows. I have seen my own children born into a big welcoming family, arriving early and leaving late every Sunday. I have experienced journeying with families grieving, individuals celebrating and all the other bits in between. I have had 3 sets of different, but equally as special, Senior Pastors. It has been, and will continue to be, one of the biggest privileges I could imagine. 

However, in the midst of the rollercoaster ride, rest and recuperation are not only important, but vital, in pastoral ministry. In the privilege of walking with people in their highs and lows comes your own emotional journey too. No wonder we are told right at the beginning of scripture, in Genesis 2, how God set a precedent for rest…

God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world.’ 

(Genesis 2:2-3 ERV)

I am blessed and encouraged that Julian and Libby, along with our trustees, have encouraged me and enabled me to take a 3 month sabbatical starting in mid April. Rest will be on the agenda, as well as fun, a change in rhythm and an opportunity for new things to spring in my life, the life of my family and the life of our church. Stepping back in sabbatical gives others the chance to step into new spaces - it gently challenges the status quo. Sabbatical also allows for me to visit other churches, get a feel for their ministries and bring back to Sutton Vineyard ideas sculpted and shaped by the Lord. For me during this sabbatical, I feel the spiritual and emotional need for quiet. For God to do new things, headspace in nature, opportunities for spontaneity and a restful soul are necessary. We read in Psalm 62…

‘Truly my soul finds rest in God;

    my salvation comes from him.

    Yes, my soul, find rest in God;

    my hope comes from him. 

Truly he is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.’

(Psalm 62:1, 5-6 NIV)

I pray that you, too, can find pockets of rest in your upcoming months. As winter turns to spring and summer, I pray for opportunities for the Lord to do new things in you, plant in you new dreams, resurrect buried ones and speak joy into your souls. I pray that you feel the fortress of the Lord surrounding you, protecting you and rooting you in Him. 

I will be around most Sundays during my sabbatical, enjoying worshipping with you all and still serving once a month on our Kids’ ministry. Several wonderful leaders will be stepping in to cover my responsibilities and Julian and Libby will be on hand for any questions in my absence. 

I leave with you the gift of a song that has spoken to me on my journey towards my sabbatical - may it refresh your soul as it has done mine. 

With love,


Reflections | Easter, Renewal & Hope

“Easter gives us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and beliefs”

Easter, for me, isn’t just about chocolate eggs and bunny rabbits. Don’t get me wrong, I do love a chocolate Easter egg, but it is also a time that holds a deeper meaning—one of renewal, hope, and reflection. As I take a moment to think about what Easter really means to me, I realise it's also more than just a religious holiday; it’s a time to reconnect with myself and the world around me.

Growing up, Easter was always a fun time filled with family gatherings, days out together and Easter egg hunts. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the spiritual significance behind the holiday more and more. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments there’s always a glimmer of hope, a chance for a fresh start. The disciples, as they watched Jesus on the cross, would have felt that all was lost, that it was all over. Yet the reality of Easter is the truth that from that dark moment came the most powerful new beginning for us all! Hope invaded earth, in the middle of darkness. 

One of the things I love most about Easter is the idea of renewal. The timing of Easter coincides with Spring, which feels like nature’s way of hitting the reset button. As I’m sat writing this reflection I can see the daffodils in my garden blooming, and the plants that were sleeping over winter coming back to life! Just as the flowers start to bloom and the days get longer Easter reminds us that we too can shed our old habits and embrace new beginnings. It’s a time to let go of past mistakes and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. In many ways, Jesus hit the ultimate reset button for each of us, the old order of things passed away and the new has come – the resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate victory!

Easter is also a time of introspection. It’s a chance to take a step back and think about what truly matters in life. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that are most important. But Easter gives us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and beliefs.

This Easter, take some time in the presence of Jesus, and allow Him to refresh you and be reminded of all that He has done in your life. 

But perhaps the most powerful aspect of Easter is the message of hope it brings.

In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, when we turn on the news and see darkness and fear across our world, Easter reminds us that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there’s still reason to believe that things will get better. It’s a message of resilience, strength and an unbreakable love that I find incredibly comforting, especially during challenging times.

As I sit here reflecting on Easter, I feel a sense of gratitude wash over me. Gratitude for the incredible reality of the victory Jesus accomplished on the cross and through His resurrection for us, for the beauty of nature, for the love and support of my family and friends, and for the opportunity to experience life in all its ups and downs. Easter is a time to count my blessings and to remember just how fortunate I am to be alive, and to know and love Jesus. 

Easter is a time of renewal, reflection, and hope. It’s a time to be reminded of the truth of Easter, embrace new beginnings, to reconnect with what truly matters, and to find comfort in the knowledge that brighter days lie ahead. So as I celebrate Easter this year, I’ll do so with a heart full of gratitude and a renewed sense of optimism for the future.

If you have a spare moment over Easter, why not take a moment to pray and reflect through these three questions:

  1. How has your understanding and appreciation of Easter evolved over time, from childhood traditions to a deeper spiritual connection?

  2. Reflecting on the themes of renewal and hope discussed in the piece, what specific aspects of your life do you feel inspired to renew or change as you move forward?

  3. In what ways do you find yourself connecting with the message of hope in Easter, especially amidst the challenges and uncertainties of the world today?

Reflections | Finding our Strength Renewed

Isaiah 40:29-31

29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.

It's unlikely I'll ever be famous for my running ability. Still, I have discovered more ways to run than just physically.

We can run from problems.

Run from responsibility.

Run from fear.

Run from vulnerability. 

We can run from the truth and run from each other. Sometimes, we run in subtle ways, like withholding from honest conversation or refusing to acknowledge our emotions. And, of course, there are many other ways to run from the things we ought to face up to.

As the year began, I sensed the Lord calling us to focus on health. Healthy things grow, but more than that, they have the potential to thrive. 'Even youths grow tired and weary... but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength'.

Running, I'm told, contributes towards being healthy.

If we have to run, let's run towards the purpose that God has for us. Let's run towards the responsibility of thriving in our faith and lives. Let's run towards each other in building trust and strength in the family of God.

Let's bring the good news of knowing Jesus to every part of our life. As we run, we must wait on The Lord and renew our strength in Him ⎯that's where the 'health' part comes into play. 

We don't want to do this journey of faith in our strength... we will only tire and burn out, but we want to run having been revitalised in the presence of God.

We will be renewed as we put our hope in Jesus, wait on Him, and consistently realign our hearts and minds with Him.

Libby and I are continually encouraged by how our church walks alongside others. We come to pray, worship, and serve alongside each other; in doing so, we find our strength renewed. 

May you not grow weary, may you not grow tired, but as you seek to extend the table of God's kingdom, may you renew your strength in God's perfect peace.

Much love,


Discovery: Vision Sunday Reflection

Vision is what could be and what should be. It is the things we begin to see for the future in line with what the Holy Spirit sites within us. 

On Vision Sunday, we were able to share with you what the Lord has been saying to us for the coming year. We are so excited by the things God has laid on our hearts, and we wanted to highlight the key things we shared.

There are many things we are discovering in our corner of the world that could be changed and transformed by the presence and influence of the church and they should be.

We want to give every person, young and old, the opportunity to have their first and next encounter with Jesus. We believe passionately that as we lift up Jesus, He will draw all people to Himself and in doing so, we want to be known as the church for the least, the lost, the near and the far-off.

During our first few months on the ground in Sutton, we began to sense God stirring many of you into a new season of discovery. So many of us are being moved for people in a new way, dreams are welling up within people, and we are embarking on a discovery year to understand how each person might begin and continue to extend the kingdom of God as we bring Jesus to people as the church in Sutton.

Wherever you are at in your faith journey, if you have begun to sense that Sutton Vineyard is your home, we want to invite you to help us build the church and there are 3 vital ways in which you can help. 


Prayer is the engine room of the church –or, to use another analogy, it is the body’s lifeblood. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Many years ago, The Lord began to speak to our church about building a dedicated room for prayer. At our Dolphin building on the High Street, we have a place that is given over entirely to praying. We’d love you to help underpin the vision and purpose of our church by committing to regular prayer. This can be in your own time at home or on the way to work, but you could also be one of many people who want to use this space to uphold our aims and objectives as a church in prayer.

We are setting up the prayer room to continually capture all that God is saying and doing in our church and to have them at the forefront of our minds as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Sutton and beyond. 

Finance - Consider in prayer

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who supports our church financially. No matter how much is given, we don't take anyone for granted. We see these things as an act of worship that also resources the church to reach out to those who need Jesus. We are eternally grateful for those who serve, give, and stand with us. We cannot do this without you!

Each year, we budget with outstanding stewardship, the best way to be an active and vibrant church in Sutton. We need to close some financial gaps to keep going and minister vibrantly and powerfully as a church.

As of September 2023, we currently have a monthly shortfall of £2.5k stopping us break even. But as we begin to mobilise the church to reach the least, the lost, the near and the far off, we don't want to close the gaps, but if possible, gain some momentum as we discover and uncover ways in which we can bring Jesus to our corner of the world.

As we prayerfully consider our approach in opening up more opportunities for our local community to be welcomed in, it will cost us.

With our Youth and Children, we will consider ways to create community touch points. In our compassion projects, we are exploring the next steps to build on the great work already happening. Within local governance, we are networking and discovering ways to bring the church's voice to play its role in the wider community. As we discover these steps with prayer, strategic consideration and fostering new relationships with other churches and local leaders, we know it will come with a cost.

To help get ahead, we don't just want to close the gaps, we want to move our finances to a place that puts wind in our sails. So we desire to see our giving move to £4k extra a month to help move us from a place of maintenance to forward momentum.

The apostle Paul encourages us not to give reactively or under compulsion ⎯but to pray about it. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

You may not be able to give financially, but your support could be standing with us in prayer and with your time. It might be that you've been in a time of waiting, but now could be the time to consider if you are ready to build with us. You might have been faithful with your time, resources and prayer for years, but God might be stirring you afresh.

We want people to do this carefully and prayerfully. Would you help us close the gap? Are you one of 50 people who could give £50? Are you one of 25 who could give £100?

If you are not yet in a place to stand with us financially, we'd love to have you pull along side us in other ways.

Get involved

There are several key ways you can get involved!

  • Small groups - Our small groups are a fantastic way to build friendships and delve deeper into what is shared on a Sunday. If you are not yet in a small group, we'd encourage you to chat with our Assistant Pastor Hannah, who will be able to get you connected to a group at a time that is convenient to you!

  • Our men's and women's ministries will be themed around discovery, too. They will be fantastic opportunities to have fun, build community and intentionally explore discovery in our own lives.

  • Discovery groups - We will be launching several focus groups after Christmas that will focus on different aspects of church and ministry to prayerfully and practically evaluate where we are at now and where God is leading us over the coming years. We recognise these groups might not be for everyone, but we will be providing more information about these in due course. These groups are specifically for those who lead or feel stirred to action in these areas and will encompass different areas of church such as compassion, prayer, worship, evangelism and family.

Whatever season you are in on your journey of faith, we'd encourage you to prayerfully consider how to actively engage in being the church. We each have a role to play, whether directly or indirectly, but our prayer is that we come together as the body of Christ, seeing the church continually move into action to bring Jesus to the least, the lost, the near and the far-off.

May the grace of God be over you in all things.

Julian & Libby Arnold