
"Alive" Preaching Series Starts Sunday 21st April

Is Jesus alive?

This is the question that we, alongside many other churches across the UK, want to ask over the coming weeks through our preaching series ‘Alive’, through our small groups and beyond!

Easter may be over, but the story doesn’t end with the Resurrection! From Sunday 21st April over 5 weeks we will be exploring the Resurrected Jesus, and unpacking more about what it means for us today that our Saviour is ALIVE! 

The Talking Jesus research suggests that 45% of people in the UK do think that Jesus is alive and that he came back to life after he died on the cross. Surprised?

We are joining with other churches across the nation to ask the question ‘Is Jesus ALIVE?’ Hope and their partners have produced a range of resources to take people on a journey as they explore the question for themselves.

On the ALIVE journey, we will meet some of the people who met the alive Jesus and whose lives were changed as a result; people like Mary who experienced love, the disciples on the road to Emmaus who had hope restored to them, Thomas who needed peace, Peter who found freedom and Paul who was given a new purpose. Many people today are looking for the same things; love, hope, peace, freedom and purpose. The ALIVE series and the resources we are using aim to build a bridge between felt-need now and what the ALIVE Jesus offers.

If you have been looking for a Sunday to invite your non-Christian friends, this would be a great time! This 5-week series and the midweek sessions in small groups will be great discussion starters for those of us who have been following Jesus for a long time, as well as those who do not yet know Him. 

There is also a book that you might be interested in purchasing alongside the series called Alive by Dave Smith. 

For families with children of primary school age, there are free downloadable Snack Sheets and I Spy Sheets that you might like to use. Why not invite friends for an after-school snack or walk and use the sheets with them? With videos to watch via, a QR code as well as things to think, chat about and do the sheets are easy and fun to share!

We hope that you will enjoy joining us on this next series, exploring the Resurrected Jesus, and the impact that has on us today!

Join us on Sundays from 10:00 for refreshments before our main service at 10:30-12:00

Reflections | Easter, Renewal & Hope

“Easter gives us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and beliefs”

Easter, for me, isn’t just about chocolate eggs and bunny rabbits. Don’t get me wrong, I do love a chocolate Easter egg, but it is also a time that holds a deeper meaning—one of renewal, hope, and reflection. As I take a moment to think about what Easter really means to me, I realise it's also more than just a religious holiday; it’s a time to reconnect with myself and the world around me.

Growing up, Easter was always a fun time filled with family gatherings, days out together and Easter egg hunts. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the spiritual significance behind the holiday more and more. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments there’s always a glimmer of hope, a chance for a fresh start. The disciples, as they watched Jesus on the cross, would have felt that all was lost, that it was all over. Yet the reality of Easter is the truth that from that dark moment came the most powerful new beginning for us all! Hope invaded earth, in the middle of darkness. 

One of the things I love most about Easter is the idea of renewal. The timing of Easter coincides with Spring, which feels like nature’s way of hitting the reset button. As I’m sat writing this reflection I can see the daffodils in my garden blooming, and the plants that were sleeping over winter coming back to life! Just as the flowers start to bloom and the days get longer Easter reminds us that we too can shed our old habits and embrace new beginnings. It’s a time to let go of past mistakes and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. In many ways, Jesus hit the ultimate reset button for each of us, the old order of things passed away and the new has come – the resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate victory!

Easter is also a time of introspection. It’s a chance to take a step back and think about what truly matters in life. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that are most important. But Easter gives us an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our values and beliefs.

This Easter, take some time in the presence of Jesus, and allow Him to refresh you and be reminded of all that He has done in your life. 

But perhaps the most powerful aspect of Easter is the message of hope it brings.

In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, when we turn on the news and see darkness and fear across our world, Easter reminds us that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there’s still reason to believe that things will get better. It’s a message of resilience, strength and an unbreakable love that I find incredibly comforting, especially during challenging times.

As I sit here reflecting on Easter, I feel a sense of gratitude wash over me. Gratitude for the incredible reality of the victory Jesus accomplished on the cross and through His resurrection for us, for the beauty of nature, for the love and support of my family and friends, and for the opportunity to experience life in all its ups and downs. Easter is a time to count my blessings and to remember just how fortunate I am to be alive, and to know and love Jesus. 

Easter is a time of renewal, reflection, and hope. It’s a time to be reminded of the truth of Easter, embrace new beginnings, to reconnect with what truly matters, and to find comfort in the knowledge that brighter days lie ahead. So as I celebrate Easter this year, I’ll do so with a heart full of gratitude and a renewed sense of optimism for the future.

If you have a spare moment over Easter, why not take a moment to pray and reflect through these three questions:

  1. How has your understanding and appreciation of Easter evolved over time, from childhood traditions to a deeper spiritual connection?

  2. Reflecting on the themes of renewal and hope discussed in the piece, what specific aspects of your life do you feel inspired to renew or change as you move forward?

  3. In what ways do you find yourself connecting with the message of hope in Easter, especially amidst the challenges and uncertainties of the world today?